Spring Cleaning Organization Tips + Products I use

Since Spring has come upon us I wanted to share with you my spring cleaning organization tips and products I use to clean my home! 

I know I sound crazy saying this but when there is an entire mess in my house, I like to strategize on how I can create a solution!

Honestly, the thought of trying to deep clean an entire house is daunting and so I’ve created this system to get my spring cleaning done!

Just getting started on spring cleaning? Let’s start here…

Ok, so you’ve decided that you want to spring clean your home but don’t know where to start. Here are my suggestions:

Write EVERYTHING down that needs to be cleaned.

  • For each room of the house, take inventory of what needs to be cleaned first with numbers: 1 (being priority) 5 (less priority). Write down and see what needs to be  taken out, donated or thrown out. 
  • Use a notepad or use your “notes” in your phone to organize this process. Personally, I like to use a notepad and place it in the middle of my house so I can grab and see what I need to do next. I just love having a physical piece of paper and crossing things off. This is personal preference! 
  • Turn on some music and try to get in the mood of cleaning! Music is always fun to listen to when you have to clean. 

 Grab that broom and listen to some Cardi B! ayyyeee!!

The cleaning products I use for my home 

I’m going to organize this by sections of my home so you can get an idea of the products I use:


For cleaning my countertops and table in the kitchen, I use the Honeysuckle multi-surface everyday cleaner. The scent is amazing and leaves my kitchen smelling fresh. I use this every day!

For the stove and microwave, I use the Fantastik spray which I had bought early last year due to the pandemic. Since I bought so many bottles of it, I learned it takes off grease really well and the scent is light. Another plus is that it kills COVID-19. 

For my stainless steel appliances, I use the Weimann Stainless Steel wipes it makes my appliances look new and clean. 

Living Room + Entire Home

I clean my floors with Peony Multi-Surface Concentrate by Mrs Meyers Clean Day.  Just add a bit of it with water in your mop bucket and it will leave your floors clean and smelling great. 

I dust my fans, table tops, dressers, etc. with the swiffer duster heavy duty and these are everything! I remember I would clean with a napkin and windex to dust ha!! and these have changed my dusting game! It picks up EVERYTHING! Promise you should get one now!

To clean my windows I use Spray Way Glass cleaner. Forget anything else! I saw someone on Youtube use this brand and when I used it on my windows I was hooked!  This spray is sooo good when it cleans glass. It seems like the glass is a lot clearer and I like how it sprays on easily. 

I use a microfiber mop to gather the dust from my tile and wood floors. I bought this floor sweeper and I’m in love with it! I’m able to reuse it over and over by throwing it in the washer. It helps that I don’t have to throw away extra excess. You can use it on dry or wet floors.

For my couch, I use this steamer that I bought from Amazon. I have a white couch and adding a toddler to that equation, I definitely need alot of TLC. This little steamer cleans really well and happy that I’ll be able to get rid of the dirt!


I use Clorox wipes for the toilet, mrsmeyers lemon verbena tub and tile spray cleaner for my shower, and Comet for the sinks and inside the toilet. The bathroom is just a place where I need to seriously disinfect so these are my go-to products. 

The process of cleaning and organization tips.. 

So now for the nitty gritty of things! Let’s start our Spring clean mission! We have our products, a notepad, and don’t forget to turn on the music!

Tip 1. Ok so since you’ve organized each section of the house that needs to be cleaned, start with an area that needs less cleaning up first then work your way to the most difficult one. 

Tip 2. For the first room that needs to be cleaned AND for every room, get rid of whatever needs to be thrown out or donated. This way you can see the space you have left and let go of anything that has expired, not used, and not serving you. 

Tip 3. Next, I like to dust the area first so that whatever is dirty can fall to the floor first. You can add cleaning the windows to that list as well. 

Tip 4. Then I mop or vacuum the floor last so that everything from the top is done and now the floor has collected everything you wiped down. 

I usually do the bathrooms last since for me it’s quicker and doesn’t need as much attention like full bedrooms. 

Tip 5. Ideally you shouldn’t make Spring Cleaning a one day thing! It’s definitely a process that takes time so my idea is to break it down by doing one room per week or you can do per day. 

I wish I could finish everything in a week but because I have a family, it’s really difficult for me to deep clean areas in a short amount of time. 

Tip 6. Oh and one last thing I also suggest searching on Pinterest if you have any other ideas of wanting to organize an area. Pinterest is my all time favorite when it comes down to trying to figure out anything!

Spring cleaning is done!

So for spring cleaning you should have your favorite products in hand, organize what you’re going to clean per room, break it down and play that music!

I know cleaning can be a boring task for some but it feels good when your home has been de-cluttered and the energy feels lighter.

Plus you’ll create more space for things that serve you! Thanks for reading! Let me know which tip helped you 🙂

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