Should you go to Therapy? Why I started..

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Should you go to therapy? This is a topic that I’ve heard for many years starting in my early twenties and never thought that this was something I would be doing later on in life. 

Honestly, in the past, I would think people who went to therapy were white, had money, had serious mental issues, and seemed to have their life all over the place. 

And growing up, it was really prevalent in my black community to place this stigma that “therapy” is for the weak and was not necessary. However, there are historical reasons why this stigma exists.  

I didn’t acknowledge it until now. 

Now, I absolutely believe this should be part of your lifestyle. I feel like it’s a mental break for you to vent. 

I recently started my journey of going to therapy as a married, mom of one, trying to balance life at 33, and knew this was the route I had to go through. 

It helped me tremendously within the first month. blog woman sitting with a coffee cup next to pool

Why I started Therapy

As a true Virgo with a child, husband, and in-laws, I have to keep up my house and my business in an organized way and this results in me having to be pulled from every direction. 

When I had my daughter in 2019, I literally tried to do EVERYTHING in the house. 

Feeding my daughter every two hours, cleaning the house, washing dishes, cooking, trying to help my husband, my in-laws, driving to doctor appointments and the list goes on!

It was driving me crazy and usually, I’m the type that would keep working on something until I’m dead tired but this was too overwhelming for me. 

I also had PPD and I knew at the time I need to see a therapist because my mind was overwhelmed.  I felt like I was not able to take the time to see someone because everyone needed me at home and didn’t have the support to go. 

And just like that, I pushed it to the side for three years and recently I just had an urge to go to a therapist because there were some unresolved things in my head that I could not solve myself. 

Trying to solve problems on your own may seem like a great idea until you are stuck. I felt stuck and knew I had to do something. 

I also knew therapy would be a great idea since someone other than myself can give great advice to me instead of trying to figure it all out on my own.  

Also, I believe it was meant for me to start therapy as I have seen my friend start her journey and had amazing results. 

Seeing that she’s also a mom, wife, and entrepreneur, there were a lot of things she was going through and she did something to make the change. 

I wanted to mentally feel better.  Life can throw many situations at you so I figured why not! Instead of spending more money on a wardrobe, how about I invest in my mental health and change my life? 

Being a mompreneur, wife, friend, and more, there was just too much for me to handle mentally and most of the time a lot of my friends probably think my life can be perfect but it’s not. 

I can have low days when I just don’t want to do anything and then happy days. It’s normal, we are human and life isn’t supposed to be perfect. 

There were plenty of times when I would listen to a self-help book, go to church, talk to a friend, and try to ease my mind of these issues but it wasn’t enough. I needed someone who didn’t know me and who I can vent information to and understand how to solve these problems. 

So, I signed up for (try a trial today) and you have to fill out a few questions so they can link you to potential therapists based on your needs. 

Then, I received an alert the next day from a potential therapist in my area and I was super excited to start my journey! This all started in February of 2022. homepage website on mac computer website

How therapy has helped me now

As I jumped into the new world of therapy without hesitation, this decision was one of the best ones I could ever make. 

To be able to vent to a professional that I’m comfortable with and someone who understands what I’m going through, it has changed a lot of my perceptions on situations that I could not see before. 

It’s crazy how sometimes you can see something for the way it is and it just takes one person to give you an alternate look and say “wow” I never thought of it that way. 

And that is how therapy has changed for me. 

The tools she provided to me weekly for 45 minutes have been life-changing. The only way for me to change was to use what she suggested and they have worked for me. 

Now I’m not going to say with therapy all of your problems will be solved, but as humans and with life, our moods and situations change daily and how we react to issues is where we can challenge ourselves. 

After going to therapy, I feel like I’m more at ease, I can understand my situations better, make improvements in areas that I lacked while giving myself grace. 

I love that my therapist reminds me all the time that we cannot control what happens in our life but what we can control is the time that we have in the moment. 

So whenever I’m feeling a bit blah or upset, I remind myself that I’m human and nothing will be perfect. 

It’s like the weight has lifted off of my shoulders and I look forward to our weekly sessions since there is always something that pops up during the week that challenges me. 

I’m super grateful for taking the action (although it took some time) but I chose to do it at the best time for myself and it aligned me to be with the right person to guide me. 

I feel like I’m on a healing journey and it feels so good mentally to be on track for the outcome that I want.

This can also be done for you if you’re open to seeing a therapist. 

Should you go to therapy?

Doing what’s best for you for your situation is always something to consider if you want to go to therapy.

I know some people have had bad experiences with therapy while others have had amazing results, but finding a therapist is kind of like dating. You have to check your therapist out to see if you are comfortable with them and then proceed. 

If you’re feeling like you can’t get past what you’re currently dealing with or past traumas, maybe seeking a therapist can help. They can guide you in a new direction and a new chapter that will help you heal. 

Healing your mind and getting a viewpoint from someone who doesn’t know you can benefit in ways that seem complicated for you to solve yourself. 

I know not everyone has the ability to go and sometimes there are those you can truly rely on and that’s ok. 

Do what’s best for you and in this life, we are definitely on a journey of evolving and that’s a beautiful thing. 

Have you gone to therapy before? Let me know in the comments.

There are links in my post where I’m able to earn a small commission if you decide to purchase at no cost to you.


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