How to Create the Vision Board of Your Dreams

It’s the beginning of the year and everyone is showing off their vision boards! Or maybe for you it could be the middle of the year and you want to start a vision board but don’t know how to begin. Let me help you out!

I’ve been doing vision boards for the last 10 years and will say that this is something I truly enjoy doing every year. It feels like I’m allowing myself to really think about what I want in my life at the moment  and put all of my focus on it. 

Why you should create a vision board

I think it’s important to create a vision board so that you can get everything that you desire out of your head and onto paper or something physical that you can see.

I’m sure you’ve had plenty of small and big goals in your head that you’ve been planning out but there are times where you forget!

That’s why having a vision board will give you more clarity and excitement about your future and continue to focus on the bigger picture!

I always try to add things that I want to accomplish in a year and also 5-10 years from now. 

You can add whatever you like and feel at the moment, it’s your board, your vision of life and so you CAN manifest that. Just remember, you have to put in the work to have that dream work! 

Vision Board Materials 

I purchase most of my materials from Target or Walmart. They usually have everything you need and it’s a one stop shop. You can buy most things anywhere though. 

So here is what you’ll need:

  1. Poster board/foam board- I like to get a white one but you can choose whatever color you like.
  2. Tape or glue
  3. Scissors
  4. Magazines- you can find these at the cashier lines or book section in the store. Pick out magazines that resonate with you, look through some of the pictures to see if anything pops out. 
  5. Printer (optional)- to print photos that you find online. 
  6. Markers (optional)
  7. Stickers (optional)

You’ve got your materials and now let’s start creating!

The Vision board process

Here is my vision board process: 

  1. So before I do anything to my board, I will write down or even think about some major goals that I want to accomplish in a year or a few years from now. 

By writing it down you’ll be able to reference back and remember the goals you’ve had in mind and can place them on your board. 

  1. I go through the magazines and pick out words that really resonate with me. I always tell myself I can’t feel “so so” about it. 

If I have a goal in mind in who I want to be or what I want in life, that “word” or “picture” has to make me feel that is something I desire. 

When you do this, your board will truly feel like this is you. Even if it’s something that may seem out of reach and scary, put it on the board because that is what you want to accomplish one day. 

  1. The first photos I place on my board is a background of landscapes, beaches, sunsets, etc to give my board some scenery. I like to add these photos first because when you look at the board, you’ll see landscape in the background and it always gives me a feeling of “woosah” I want to go on that vacation one day!! 
background of landscapes
  1. Then I go back to the magazines and begin to cut phrases, words, photos of things I want to be, materialistic things, and whatever I want to show on the board.
  1. I don’t organize my board in sections but I try to use affirmation words on there and say that “I am ___” I will cut up different words and put phrases together to create my own affirmation. 
  1. After cutting and gluing the pieces together, I like to place it where I can see it on a daily basis! It’s important to place it somewhere you can look at all the time to see your “Why”

For me it’s required to place my board near my makeup area, because that’s where I’m at every morning and evening. It’s usually the first and last place where I’ll see my vision board. 

This process doesn’t take very long but if you can set an hour aside to create the life you want then I think it’s worth it. 

Your dream vision board is alive!

Now that you’ve created the vision board of your dreams, now it’s time to manifest it and believe in yourself! 

I’m always about intention, and when you continually think about the things you want to do and also enact on it, situations will move toward you to seize the opportunity! 

It can be scary, but that’s where it’s at…growth involves fear but don’t let it paralyze you. Just recognize when you are on to doing new things, this emotion is natural but not fact. 

Get wild on your dreams, there are no limitations but yourself. 

Invest in your mind, you are the only one who can create those limiting beliefs and stories that aren’t true to you! 

You can always change your vision and future. Create a life that matters to you. 

Other Vision board options 

Digital vision boards! There are many apps out there that have digital vision boards that you can download and keep on your phone. 

Another way I like to create a vision board is on pinterest! Since I’ve been on pinterest so much, I recently created a board last year and I loved the way it looked! 

It’s quick, and easy to access if you like to have your vision board on your phone to look at. 

Remember, you can always change your vision board throughout the year…add something, remove ,

What is your vision board process like! I’d like to know! Let me know in the comments 


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  1. January 29, 2021 / 6:44 pm

    I typically use to create a physical vision board every year. He would hang in my office each year where I could see it from my desk and actively look at each of those items several times throughout the day. Michelle I enjoyed this one post and how you broke down the entire vision board process and supplies necessary. However recently I have started using a digital vision board and it is actually on all of my devices so that I am still able to refer to it several times throughout the day.

    • mrsmichelleg
      January 30, 2021 / 3:35 pm

      Awww Thank you! and happy you are being consistent with your vision board, as long as you are doing it you’re vision will be a reality one day! 🙂

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