4 Ways to Stop Worrying About your Future + Live Now

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We all go through worry when it comes to figuring out what our future would be like. 

Will we be who we always wanted to be? Are we on the right track? Am I doing the right thing to get to my end goal? 

It’s natural to come up with questions like this as we go through life and figure out our path. 

So, if you’re an anxious person like me, I’ve come up with 4 ways to stop worrying about your future. 

Now, this isn’t a thing where once you read this blog post, all of your problems will be solved, but it’s something up should consider when wanting to grow out of worry. 

Now, let’s take action and see how you can lessen the worry about your future and get to living now!

P.s. you can find a few helpful books towards the end of this blog post that can help you reduce your worry. 

woman sitting on bench in Miami Design District. Wearing a black dress and gold jewelry.

1. Your present situation doesn’t define what your future will be.

When I was a kid, I would worry about EVERYTHING. If I didn’t do my homework on time that means I would be a failure, if I didn’t get a certain level of grades my life would be a disaster because I wouldn’t be able to go to college and get accepted in the right” college and then wouldn’t have a good job. 

I was so worried about my future. 

It was ridiculous of the things I thought and it would later run into my college years. I feared that if I didn’t do certain things then my future wouldn’t be what I wanted it to be. 

I would always feel frustrated that my current situation (back then) wasn’t what I had envisioned. I wanted the 9-5 job at 21, the 80k minimum salary job, having my own apartment, etc. 

But my reality was this back in my early twenties:

  • In college for 7 years for a Bachelor’s Degree and switched majors 5+ times.
  • Had no direction in where I wanted to be in life because I was trying to figure out who I wanted to become so bad but felt lost.  
  • Worked in fast food then switched over to the hotel industry with multiple positions. 
  • Had an ex leave me 10k in debt and an apartment under my name. So I wasn’t able to get a place on my own because of the record and cost me from living in a nice building. 

But I had to push through because I knew this wasn’t going to be the end of my ideal future. 

I always dreamt of bigger and would always visualize that I was driving a BMW while I was driving my Plymouth Neon. 

It may sound cliche’ but your present situation (if you don’t like it) does not reflect what your future will be like. 

I know you might think it’s crazy because your present situation seems difficult at the moment, but I promise you it can also be a learning or strength-building situation for your future. 

I’m a witness to the strength-building situation because I’ve seen the darkness of it. 

As I was aware of it, I had to learn to pull through and keep pushing for my future. 

Now, as I reflect on my present life situation, it can only go up from here. I was able to receive more than half of what I’ve always dreamed of back in my young adult years because I knew my 20’s self would only get better. 

This can happen for you too, you just have to believe it. 

Your future CAN be amazing. Don’t allow the worry of your present situation to stop you. 

If you’re feeling like your present situation isn’t leading you to your ideal future try these tips:

  • Write down what you’re grateful for in the moment. Ex. I’m grateful that I have a home, food to eat, a cell phone etc. It doesn’t have to be big things either. Gratefulness breeds more gratefulness and abundance. 
  • At the end of the day or week, write down something that happened to you in a special way. I mention this because sometime we forget that as human beings, even the smallest things can make a positive impact on our lives. 
  • Take baby steps walking towards your ideal future. This could mean making small goals for the week and it can lead to your big goal for the month and then the year. 

  • Remember your brain can create false narratives in your brain to cause you to worry. Acknowledge the thought like a cloud in your head and on th next cloud imagine something WAY better. 

Next step, let’s talk about positive mentorship. 

2. Start listening to positive mentors to curve the worry.

When I graduated college I was that girl who loved to be positive-minded but then it came to the point where I needed to seek out voices of positive self-talk and didn’t know where to find it when I felt worried or anxious. 

As I did my research on Youtube, I found amazing motivational speakers like Bob Proctor, Zig Ziglar, Jim Rohn, Les Bown, Tony Robbins just to name a few!

These people opened up my eyes to possibilities and the main thing they would speak about is curving worry and how to take action within yourself. 

Listening to people who designed their lives by believing in themselves and taking action was very inspirational. 

This made me feel like I had control over what I wanted to do with my life. 

Sometimes worry is there and it’s difficult to shake it off. However, once you surround yourself and train your mind to be around people who think more abundantly, your life will change. 

Here are some suggestions for finding positive mentors to curve your worry.

  • Youtube. You will find a ton of speakers on youtube. There are mini clips you can watch while you are driving your car, exercising or getting ready in the morning. Try some of the people I mentioned above. 

  • Social media: I’ve found my “virtual mentors” on Instagram and its sooo helpful when I can watch their lives or read a good word when they post. 

  • Friendships. Now i’m not saying friends who always have drama or aren’t doing anything. Mabe you have a friend you can get to know more because they are elevating themselves and you can ask them for references in how they are doing certain things. I’m the type that loves to give out all the info to my friends! 

  • Books. I LOVE books! Even audio books. This is the perfect way to invest your mind into less thoughts of worry and how to take charge of your life. 

Remember, you don’t necessarily need a physical mentor either. In the past, I would try to find a mentor who I could speak to on a regular but it wasn’t available for me at the time. You can find your mentors virtually, on TV, radio, etc. There is so much information out there for you. 

Let’s acknowledge the “worry feeling”…

3.Stop “worrying” and acknowledge the feeling.

I forgot where I heard it but if you have any worries write them down on a piece of paper and create solutions to that problem. Our minds can play tricks on us to protect us BUT remember that worry/fear is a distraction.

I never thought that by acknowledging fear, it was something I had to learn to discipline my mind daily. I had to mentally say “ok, I’m worried and why do I feel this way?” 

This would always pertain to when I would plan for the future and not know what I was going to do next. 

So I had to come up with solutions by writing them down and exhaling the worriedness.

Here are a few tips on acknowledging the worry feeling:

  • Accept that the worry is there. Accept that it’s ok and its not always a “bad” thing. When we think it’s a bad thing we can get even more worried about the future and not want to even think about it. We have so many emotions that can come to mind when we plan the future and this is natural. 
  • Take the next step on what you are going to INTENTIONALLY do next. Ex. If you’re worried about investing in the next 6 months, work your way on how to get to that goal. 
  • Say outloud the things that worry you and speak outloud the solutions that you’ve created. 
  • Give yourself some quiet time to breathe. 1…2…3… woosah

Now we also have to have faith….

4. Add some BIG Faith to your life.

This is a big one for me. When I feel like I’m worried/ Anxious or feeling confused I just sit and pray to god. 

I’ve learned that by having real faith and taking action steps, this is the way that will open more doors and allow more confidence within yourself. 

It’ll curve the worry. 

If you notice, people who have faith in their future have confidence and belief within them. 

You can too. 

It’s a decision you have to make when you can visualize the dream you want and then take action. It’s there for you but you have to go out and get it. You got this!

Tips on how to have faith in your future:

  1. Speak about good things in your future and create a vision board or book. 
  2. Cut the negative talk. It does nothing for you and it won’t EVER benefit in your life. It’s a dark space that clouds your judgement and makes you feel like you aren’t capable. 
  3. Continue on the path of your dream future. Speak to god or whatever you believe in. The one thing that people never get to their dream life is because of fear/worry and the devil is liar. 
  4. Believe in yourself. Be kind to yourself, you are doing the best you can with the options you have at the moment. 
  5. Be flexible with your plans. Plans change all the time but the journey there may take you through many hoops but the destination is the goal. 

I hope this list of 4 ways to stop worrying about your future has helped you. Here are the 4 ways: 

-Your present situation doesn’t define what your future will be, 

-Start listening to positive mentors to curve the worry, 

-Stop “worrying” and acknowledge the feeling.

-Have BIG Faith.

Let me know which one of these tips resonated with you, I also hope this allows you to start living your life now and to be in the moment. See ya soon! 

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I’ve also linked a few books below that you can try to lessen your worry and keep your mind in abundance. 

Book Recommendations

You can also see more books that I’ve recommended that can change your life.

There are links in my post where I’m able to earn a small commission if you decide to purchase at no cost to you.


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  1. January 23, 2022 / 6:39 pm

    Have BIG faith! Love this post Michelle. Excellent tips.

    • mrsmichelleg
      January 29, 2022 / 4:33 pm

      you’re welcome!

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