My word of the year… “Grace”

My word of the year…. “Grace”

I think I came up with the word after having my daughter and going through some life things in 2020. 

I didn’t act upon the word “grace” until I realized “hey girl you need to chill out! Michelle, you don’t need to do everything at one time!”

Our mental health is being tested right now and for me, I’ve always been an anxious person when it came to finishing work with deadlines, cleaning my house and just having “to do” lists that were made up but I would stress out about it. 

Then I said, who is going to check me!! It’s just me! I’m the one creating the stress upon myself! I’m the one doing all of these things of worry and anxiousness that doesn’t need to be here. 

So I created a solution by watching my thoughts and really asking myself “why” do I need to be stressed out…

I don’t!

Now there are some things that you have to plan so that you don’t need to be stressed out, but I think we can all agree that life is just too short to create mental chaos. 

Things that I like to do to give myself some grace…

  • I like to listen to Bossa Nova jazz music on Spotify to create a nice vibe when I wake up and get me in a positive mood. 
  • Listen to a really good audio book.. Usually I listen to self help books, but sometimes listening to a good fiction book can get your imagination going and you end up enjoying it. 
  • Having my husband watch my daughter a bit while I get myself ready in the morning. 
  • Not planning too much in my week so that I can win some “small goals”. These small goals can turn into big ones. I like to phrase it “little by little”
  • Cooking a delicious meal for myself that I can enjoy and chow down in peace!!! Or a good take-out meal too!
  • Watching funny Youtube Videos.
  • Not putting so much pressure on myself about how I “should be”.. I’ve been learning so much about myself in the last year that I’m fine the way I am. This part took some time, I learned from many self help books in the past and praying!
  • Things will get done..we have another day. Ex. sometimes I get upset that the house isn’t clean for the day. Then I remember….Welp! We have tomorrow! Sometimes life happens and you can’t catch up on things and it’s ok! Who gon check you boo?! Lol 
  • Not comparing myself to other moms. Now there are times when I do! And we are human! Naturally this happens but I tell myself and my friends that we ALL mother differently and it’s ok! It makes us unique and we can gather some information from each other and apply it ourselves. We don’t have to be like everyone else 🙂 

I think once I tried to act on giving myself “grace” and connecting with other moms who feel the same, I figured, why not. 

Why not give myself some grace so that I can recharge. It’s ok to let things go so that “I” can be ok.

This year I want to give myself more grace and be happy with who I am while inspiring others. It’s ok to not have everything done on your to do list, its ok to have missed a few things so that you can take a mental break. 

You deserve to give yourself grace because YOU are doing your best at the moment. Just know this takes time and be aware of your thoughts and how you feel about yourself. You are unique, you are special and you deserve to have a break. 

What is your word of the year? Let me know in the comments. 


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  1. Jessica daniel
    January 21, 2021 / 7:05 am

    I think my word of the year should be understanding. I want to be more understanding of others just as I would want them to be of me. What a great read!!!

    • mrsmichelleg
      January 24, 2021 / 8:37 pm

      Aww! I love that Jessica! and thank you!

  2. Monique
    January 22, 2021 / 8:42 am

    I thoroughly enjoyed reading this post simply because I related to all of what you’ve experienced regarding anxiety and finishing deadlines. Thank you so much for sharing.

    – Thee Working Woman ??

    • Monique
      January 22, 2021 / 8:47 am

      *correction* I signed “Thee Working Woman “ with a heart emoji and it posted as question marks

      • mrsmichelleg
        January 24, 2021 / 8:38 pm

        haha thats ok!

    • mrsmichelleg
      January 24, 2021 / 8:38 pm

      Thank you so much for reading! and yes most times I have to check myself like its ok!

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