Being a mompreneur definitely has its benefits and downfalls. As I started my new journey of being a photographer (literally two months ago) and working in the social media world, I started to think of many lists in my head as to how I was going to try to balance my life!
Yall, at first I was excited about the opportunities coming my way but then trying to sustain my business and being a mom/wife was getting to be a bit of a weight and I started to worry a bit.
I started thinking about so many things like how I was going to do childcare, accepting new clients, maintaining the house, taking care of my husband and the dreaded list goes on.
Transitioning from being a Stay at Home Mom to Entrepreneur
When I had my daughter, I knew I would be the primary caretaker and run the house but I’ve always had the NEED to have my own business eventually.
If you’re a stay at home mom you already know what it’s like running a home from dusk to midnight! It’s definitely constant and having a routine helped but I knew I had to create some time for me to work on what I wanted to do.
I craved having my own identity and sometimes being a stay at home mom isn’t for everyone….and that’s ok! I salute those who pour their hearts into it all the time! I do love taking care of my home but I just needed something else to do and for ME.
I really didn’t know what I was going to do back then, but I PRAYED about it and all of a sudden I had an urge to start a Youtube channel. Then bam! more opportunities happened.
I swear prayer does work and I’m seeing the results. Not only prayer, but also being OPEN and willing to allow yourself to walk into new spaces in your journey. Only then, you’ll see more things await for you.
I wasn’t making money in the beginning, but wanted to keep myself busy and I really felt stuck in the house doing the same thing over and over and not having an escape.
This was my escape. I realized I was a “creator” and needed to do something with it.

Then I started to do the work and then my blog was born, did my first paid campaign as an influencer and THEN started my photography business Photos by Michelle G. whewwww..
My daughter is almost 2.5 and started to think that I may need to put her in school part time, have a reliable babysitter and figure out my availability.
Things like this is something I HAVE to figure out and being a mom makes it just a teeny hurdle to figure out.
I’m in this new season of transition and although it’s difficult, I’m grateful for the opportunity to prove to myself that anything is really possible.
My expectations on being a Mompreneur
As I began my new journey of scaling my new business in photography, so many more opportunities came up in that field as well as my Influencer business.
I was so happy this was finally happening for me and figured whoo hoo! I can make money now and do this and that!…yes I’m finally doing something!
BUT I forgot how logistically being a mom and having a business would work out.
I didn’t do too much research on being a mom and business owner since I knew it would worry me so basically I just went with the flow.
I thought that being a mompreneur would mean more independence, you can make as much money as you want, creating your own schedule etc. Yes it does come with all of that but I think I was thinking of the idea of entrepreneurship BEFORE I had my daughter and a whole family to take care of.
I had a few businesses in the past before my daughter and I think I started building it based on that but I forgot to include how I would maneuver motherhood into the equation.
It’s definitely difficult but a necessary thing for me to overcome. I realized since I was able to go through the hardships of being a mom I CAN definitely figure something out when it comes to my entrepreneur journey.
My life as a Mompreneur
I”ll share with you an outline of what I do as a mom and entrepreneur.
Mom life:
- Wakeup at 7:30am, meditate p,ray, stretch and work on social media content before everyone wakes up.
- Planning breakfast, lunch and dinner. Sometimes I don’t make it lunch/dinner everyday because I really don’t like to unless I’m inspired so it might be takeout for us!
- Clean the house
- Do laundry
- Buy groceries
- Play with Luna, take her out to the park etc.
- Help my husband with his errands
- Help my inlaws with doc appointments sometimes, making food at times.
- Cleaning up after my toddler
- Swim classes
- Putting out fires!
And there’s so much MORE on this list! I don’t want to bore you but this was just half of the day lol
Entrepreneur life:
- Planning out IG content for both social media profiles (photography and influencer) for the week or two weeks ( reels, videos, content tips to share)
- Figuring out photography images to take for influencer profile
- Modeling sessions
- Responding back to brand campaigns or emailing campaigns
- Figuring out marketing
- Engaging with new and current followers
- Learning my craft
- Gaining new clients into my schedule
- Researching Content
- Planning out captions (Sometimes)
- Planning out photos
- Networking on IG
- Late nights doing strategy, editing, and following up…
- And more… This list is small but there’s more to it.
Then imagine COMBINING these two lists together…..MIND BLOWN.
I don’t know how I do this honestly, but I think I really VALUE my time and at this moment I don’t waste it just to waste it. Ex. I barely watch movies anymore and I don’t go out just because. It’s gotta make sense for me and $$$ sense.
I think being disciplined really helps and a strength of mine that I discovered that can take me far.
Winging this thing
It’s not easy being a stay at home mom and entrepreneur for sure. I’m winging it!
I’m always going after my toddler, going through emails, looking at deadlines, doing social media posts, figuring out marketing, learning my craft, being a wife and the list goes on!
I’m glad I’m on this journey but I’ve realized I need to tread lightly because I also have a family too. At the end of the day my family is first and although I can go hard for my business, I feel like personally for me, my family is my first priority.
So now I know I can pick and choose the work I want, the hours I want to do, my pay rate and make sure I don’t burn out because it’s NOT worth it.
Everyone is different when it comes to work but what I’ve learned from another mompreneur who is killing it in her lane was this: “when balancing mom life and work life, do what’s best for YOUR family, not societies definition”
Then a light bulb turned on in my head and I was like this is SO TRUE!

Balancing to me feels like stretching through different hats (mom, wife, business owner, daughter in law, daughter, friend) and I can only do so much and be there at once. I know I can’t do everything perfectly but it’s life. Everything is unpredictable.
Having a community of moms who are going through the same thing also helps. I’m inspired by moms who are business owners on IG and seeing what they do keeps me going. You’ll need to surround yourself with positive women who are willing to help you and want to see you win.
I also believe what is for me is already here for me so I don’t need to stress. We live in a world where you’re constantly going but I think it’s best to move in a direction that makes you happy, your family happy, and what makes sense for YOUR business.
It’s definitely worth it though, you’re able to create something for yourself and your family. It feels great to provide financially and create an impact on people who NEED your gift. Remember we are here on this earth to share our experiences with others and to help. The money will eventually flow to you in abundance but I see that now the base of everything is in people.
Being a mom is already a full time job and being an entrepreneur can be another full time thing at that. So give yourself some grace.
I’ve already given myself Sundays off so that’s my day to relax, reflect and get ready for the next week.
I kept trying to be “ON” but in real life who can operate like that! It’ll drive you crazy!
So if you’re a momma and starting a business, do what’s good for you and be consistent with your business. Not pressure from society, not what others are doing, but do what’s good for you.
I’m wishing you ALL the success. Until next time,
Subscribe to my blog for more content on motherhood, fashion and beauty inspiration.
Yes mama! I’ve been burning myself out these past few months trying to be “ON” and like you said…it’ll drive you crazy. Recently, I realized that my family time was lacking and I really wasn’t being productive with my business or creator account…I was just busy. I’m not a SAHM anymore but when you’re working from home and your toddler is there…you’re a SAHM and employee! It was just too much. First, we decided to put him preschool last week. Best decision ever! Second, I figured out what we’re the best times to work on my business/creator tasks so my family time wouldn’t suffer. Lastly, I figured out how to be productive and not just busy…that’ll definitely burn you out and take the joy away from your passion. Sorry for the long comment! This post was just what I needed!
GIRL this is everything! Thanks for reading and I’m also in the position of putting my daughter in school soon seeing that I’m getting busier and I’d rather have her learning with other children than be at home and I’m busy! I COMPLETELY understand and this whole thing can definitely be alot. It really is creating the time and being disciplined with time blocks so that you can have family time, being a wife, a mom and business owner. Thanks girl for your comment!